Mission IBPS Exam : Quant quiz ( Based on 3rd and 4th October Exam )

Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Mission IBPS Exam : Quant quiz ( Based on 3rd and 4th October Exam )
Dear BA'ians,

As promised, we are providing you the Missing D.I. and Quant questions based on IBPS PO Prelims pattern. Lets do it.

Directions (Q.1-5) : Study the following table carefully and answers the following question

1.What is the principal of N if the ratio of interest rate of M to that of N is 2 : 3?
1) Rs. 10449
2) Rs. 20230
3) Rs. 25000
4) Rs. 17121
5) Rs. 25423

2.What is the amount of O, if the interest is compounded yearly for 2 years?
1) Rs. 19165.7
2) Rs. 20320.9
3) Rs. 21218
4) Rs. 22418
5) Rs. 25300.5

3.If the ratio of principal of O to that of P is 4 : 5 and the rate of interest of P is 10% more than that of O, then what is the interest of P?
1) Rs. 3300
2) Rs. 3142
3) Rs. 3201
4) Rs. 2890
5) Rs. 2750

4.At what rate of interest the amount of N becomes five times that of his principal?
1) Rs. 63.58%
2) Rs. 69.96%
3) Rs. 60%
4) Rs. 133.33%
5) Rs. 162.58%

5.What is the amount of Q when the principal of Q is 20% more than that of M?
1) Rs. 32321.5
2) Rs. 13248.97
3) Rs. 54974.19
4) Rs. 32863.24
5) Rs. 17952.35

Direction (6-10):What will be the come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ?

6.5  7.5  15  37.5  112.5
1) 340
2) 395.5
3) 393.75
4) 397.25

7.66  35  72  38  78 ?
2) 158
3) 37
4) 41

8.9  5  6  10.5  23 ?
1) 30
2) 48
3) 60
4) 69
5) 65

9.2  3  6  18  108  ?
1) 2000
2) 1953
3) 1928
4) 1944

10.6  20  83  419  2519 ?
1) 18924
2) 19230
3) 16510
4) 17892

Answers with Explanation !!!!!!!!!!!

Basic English 3

[18:27, 10/6/2015] R.K.S.⚡������: Noun Suffixes =Suffix Meaning
-acy =state or quality
-privacy, delicacy
-al =act or process of
-refusal, inaugural
-ance, -ence =state or quality of
-maintenance, eminence
-dom =place or state of being
-freedom, kingdom
-er, -or =one who
-trainer, fighter
-ism =doctrine, belief
-communism, religionism
-ist =one who
-Palmist, physiotherapist
-ity, -ty =quality of ability,
-maturity, responsibility
-ment =condition of
-argument, agreement
-ness =state of being
-darkness, business
-ship =position held
-friendship, partnership
-sion, -tion =state of being
-admission, adultration
=>••Verb Suffixes••=>
-ate =become
-educate, eliminate
-en =become
-enlighten, brighten
-ify, -fy =make or become
-terrify, specify
-ize, -ise =become
-civilize, utilise
Adjective Suffixes••
-able, -ible =capable of being
-sensible, available
-al =pertaining to
-national, optional
-ful =notable for
-beautiful, careful
-ic, -ical =pertaining to
-musical, logic
-ious, -ous =characterized by
-notorious, famous
-ish =having the quality of
-childish, feverish
-ive =having the nature of
-talkative, attentive
-less =without
-careless, speechless
[18:27, 10/6/2015] R.K.S.⚡������: dom and phrases
Make your blood run cold: किसी को बहुत डरा देना
That accident made my blood run cold: वो दुर्घटना देख कर में बहुत डर गया
New/Fresh blood: गरम खून
We have hired some new blood who can come up with new ideas to improve our course. हमने कुछ नये लोगो को काम करने के लिए रखा है जो हमारे कोर्स को सुधरने में मदद करेंगे।
Bleeding Heart: जिसका दिल किसी जीव या समुदाय के लिए अत्यधिक नरम या संवेदनशील हो
Some bleeding heart have taken up the charge to arrange food and shelter for homeless.
कुछ लोगो ने बीड़ा उठाया है बेघर लोगो को खाना और आश्रय प्रदान करने का
Fight like cat and dog (जानवरों कि तरह लड़ना): always fighting or arguing
These kids keep fighting like cat and dog
Blow a fuse/gasket (ज़यादा गुस्सा हो जाना/ भड़क जाना): to get angry
Never try to give bribe to honest policeman, it blows their fuse.
Blow hot and cold (कभी हाँ, कभी ना करना): to have an unclear situation.
I don't understand my boss, he blows hot and cold about my promotion
[18:27, 10/6/2015] R.K.S.⚡������: (1) Inception ( आरम्भ , प्रारंभ , शुरुआत )
beginning; start; commencement.
Example - He has been the director of the project since its inception.
Synonyms - origin,Beginning, outset, source, root, conception.
Antonyms - conclusion,end,close,completion,consequence etc
(2) Colossal (विशाल, बहुत बड़ा)
English Meaning - Extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree; gigantic; huge.
Synonyms- Huge,enormous,monstrous,gigantic etc
Antonyms -Miniature,teeny,tiny,little,minute,small etc
(3) Paradox (वह बात जो कि वास्तव में सच हो परन्तु देखने में साफ झूठी जान पड़ती हो)
English Meaning - A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
Synonyms - Mystery,Ambiguity,Puzzle,absurdity.
Antonyms - Regularity,Usualness,accuracy,normality, truth
(4) Vigorous (सशक्त)
English Meaning - Energetic, Powerful, Full of physical and Mental Strength
Synonyms- Active,brisk,dynamic,effective,efficient,forceful,healthy
Antonyms - Apathetic,delicate,dispirited,dull,easy,facile,feeble,helpless etc
(5) Proliferate ( प्रचूर मात्रा में होना ,प्रचुर मात्रा में उत्पन्न होना या करना )
English Meaning - Increase Quickly, Grow Rapidly, Increase Rapidly etc
Synonyms- Generate, Propagate, Multiply, Reproduce etc
Antonyms- Decrease, Kill, Destroy, Lessen, Shrink etc
(6) Stipulate( सौदा तय करना, गारंटी देना)
English Meaning - Make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force.
Synonyms - Impose, Designate, Specify, engage,Make a point etc
Antonyms - Refuse, break,mix up, decline, break off, discourage etc
(7) Censure (निंदा,दोष लगाना,अपराधी ठहराना)
English Meaning - Severe Criticism, to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner.
Synonyms - blame,rebuke,condemnation,reprimand
Antonyms - Praise, Compliment,Encouragement etc
(8) Diligent ( परिश्रमी, एकाग्रचित्त)
English Meaning - Hard Working, persevering.
Synonyms - Active,industrious,tireless,eager,attentive etc
Antonyms - Careless,Inactive,disinterested,idle,lazy,ignorant etc
(9) Contemplation ( ध्यान, चिंतन )
English Meaning - deep thought, Planning
Synonyms - Meditation,deliberation,intension,ambition etc
Antonyms - Ignorance, Rejection,neglect,slight,avoidance etc
(10) Adulation ( अतिप्रशंसा, चिकनी चुपडी बातें, चापलूसी)
English Meaning - Servile flattery; praise in excess, or beyond what is merited.
Synonyms - Applause, Commendation,Flattery,Blandishment etc
Antonyms - Abuse, Criticism etc
[18:27, 10/6/2015] R.K.S.⚡������:
Preposition :Behind (के प़ी छे) 1 He is hiding behind the door .वो दर वा जे के पी छे छिपा हुआ हैं ।  2 There is somebody behind the curtain .पर्दे के पी छे कोई है । 3There r mostly some politicians behind the scams .सुना है लगभग सभी घोटालो के पी छे कुछ राजनेताओ का हाथ ही नही ,पांव भी होता है । 4 U r behind the times .लोगो की सोच में बदलाव आ या हैं ।आप की सोच यदि अब भी नही बदल रही है तो । 5 I am one hour behind the schedule .सोच रहा था 9 ब जे तक इस काम को निपट लूँगा ।परन्तु 9 तो बजने वा ले हैं ।अभी तो एक घंटा और लग जाएगा ।  6 My wristwatch is slso behind one hour . Sorry ,गलत कह गया ।मै 1 घंटे नही ,2घंटे लेट हूँ क्योंकि एक घंटे तो मेरी घङी भी लेट हैं । यदि आ पने कभी कि सी protest /demonstration में भा ग लि या हो तो ए क नारा जरुर लगाया होगा । 7 Carry on-------we r behind u .(तु म संघर्ष करो हम तुम्हारे साथ हैं ।) यहाँ behind का अर्थ के पी छे नही बल्कि 'के साथ 'होता है ।वै से आ प होते तो पी छे ही हैं ।
[18:27, 10/6/2015] R.K.S.⚡������: BEHIND का opposite ' ahead of ' हो ता है ।जै से :-यदि छोटा सा लङका बङी-बङी बात करे ।तो -He is ahead of his age Preposition : Against :- के विरुद्घ ,के साथ जोर देकर ,के बदले में, जि स प्रकार से 'for' का अर्थ 'in favour of ' होता है ,'के समर्थन में' ' हो ता है ,तो 'Against 'का अर्थ 'के विरुद्ध ' होता है । look :-Vote for BSP . Vote against BSP .  आओ, जान वरो की भलाई के लिए इक्कट्ठे होकर काम करे । Let us join hands for animals' sake .  आओ ,इनके विरुद्ध हो रहे अत्या चार के खि लाप आवाज उठाए ।  Let's stand against the cruelty against animals .  यदि सीढ़ी दीवार के साथ खङी है तो pressure दीवार पर है और यदि बुढा आ दमी लाठी के सहारे झुक कर चल रहा है तो pressure लाठी पर है । इस प्रकार के scene को हम ऐ से express करेंगे -   The ladder is standing against the wall .The old man is leaning against the stick .   इस समय मै भी दीवा र का सहारा लेकर बै ठा हूँ । I am sitting against the wall .  आप जान ते हैं कि कोई भी bank हमें free में loan नही देता । वो न के व ल interest लेता है इसके अला वा हमा री property के documents भी अपने पा स रख लेता है । The bank gives us loan against interest n property .( के बदले में ) यदि हम पै से लेकर भा ग जाए तो न के व ल