[07:19, 9/13/2015] R.K.⚡: Key words: # Fomenting
# futile (fruitless,waste,व्यर्थ)
# replenishments(refill,भराई)
# squabbling(argue over small
thing,तूतू मेमे)
# irrefutable (positive,अविवादास्पद)
# abandoning(leave,त्यागना)
# subversion (corruption,भ्र
# foiled(unsuccessful,विफल)
# vulnerable (weak,कमजोर) f
[08:07, 9/13/2015] R.K.⚡: 3. Tepid (उत्साहहीन)– Something which lacks enthusiasm
Ex – The applause was tepid.
Syno – Apathetic, Half hearted, Lukewarm
4. Benign (दयालु)– Kind, Gentle, Harmless
Ex – They are normally a more benign audience.
Syno – Warm, Congenial, Amiable
5. Incendiary (गृहदाही)– Large fire attacks
Ex – Five incendiary devices were found in her house.
Syno – Combustible, Flammable, Explosive
6. Sage (बुद्धिमान)– Wise person
Ex – Kalam was famous for his sage advice to young students.
7. Accrue (इकट्ठा करना) – Gradual increase in amount of money or interest over a period of time
Ex – If you don’t pay within 28 days, interest will accrue.
Syno – Accumulate, Collect, Gather
8. Stewardship (प्रबंधन )– Responsibility
Ex-A person put in charge of the affairs of a large household or estate, whose duties include supervision of the kitchen and the servants, management of household accounts, etc.
Syno – Administration, Care, Control, Governance
9. Encompass (घेरना)– To completely surround or cover
Ex – The map shows the rest of the Western region, encompassing 9 states.
Syno – Enclose, Ring, Encircle
10. Thy (तुम्हारा)– Your (Old fashioned)
Ex – Honour thy father and thy mother
[08:24, 9/13/2015] R.K.⚡: The Hindu article words..
fatalities(human death,अपमृत्यु)
conflicts(battle,विवाद) turmoil(violent disturbance,खलबली)
: The Hindu editorial..
The perils for Yemen
The bombing of two boats carrying also Indians off Yemen’s coast by Saudi warplanes this week shows that Riyadh is indiscriminately using air power to pound Yemen in the name of fighting Houthi rebels. It’s still not clear why the Saudis targeted the boats, which were moving across the Red Sea from the Somalian port of Berbera to Mokha in Yemen. The bodies of six of the 20 Indianswho were on board have been found; one is yet to be accounted for. Who will answer for this tragedy? But such questions are of little concern for Saudi Arabia, whose months-long air campaign in Yemen has triggered a humanitarian crisis. Over 4,500 people have been killed and 23,000 wounded since its aircraft started hitting Yemen in late-March. The destruction of infrastructure and the import restrictions imposed by a Saudi-led coalition have led to 21 million out of the population of 26.7 million being deprived of essential commodities and basic services. They now need humanitarian assistance. The Saudi version is that it intervened to defend Yemen’s internationally recognised regime of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi against Houthi rebels. But the ground reality is different.
The Houthis are Shias, who make up between 30 and 45 per cent of Yemen’s population, and are reportedly close to Iran. They were instrumental in the 2011 public protests in Yemen that led to the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. But the Saudi-managed post-Saleh transition kept Houthis out of political power, leading them to break peace with Sana’a and resume their armed rebellion. When President Hadi failed to consolidate power, the Houthis marched towards the capital, eventually forcing him to flee the country. What made this crisis worse were its sectarian underpinnings. Saudi Arabia’s main concern is over Iran gaining a foothold in its backyard through the Houthis. It must have calculated that a military intervention in Yemen and a possible defeat of the Houthis would weaken Iran and strengthen its regional standing. But the operation has been largely counter-productive, as in the case of several other external interventions in West Asia. Seven months after Riyadh started bombing Yemen, the rebels are still in Sana’a. Meanwhile, the chaos and human tragedy caused by the war are helping terror groups such as al-Qaeda. It’s unfortunate that the people of Yemen are being forced to bear the brunt of the Saudi-Iran rivalry. The international community cannot look away. It has to put pressure on Riyadh to end the bombing, and try to facilitate talks between the rival camps in Yemen. It won’t be easy to bring both the pro-Hadi factions and Houthis to the table. But failing to do so could further devastate Yemen. The human costs of such a development will be catastrophic.
[18:17, 9/13/2015] R.K.⚡: Imp noun /v/Adj
Abatement of (*in )
Adhorrent to (*against /with)
Note Adhorrent of something is ✅
Abounds in
Abounds with
Accord with (*to)
Agreed to (*with)
Ambitious of (*about)
Agreed with
Astonished at (*by)
Astonished me (*with )
Matter to (*under )
Calls for (requires )
Charged him with (*of)
Complained about (*against )
Complained against (*about )
Pride in (*on)
Proud of (*about )
Prevail on (*with)
Processed with (*of)
Playing with (*at)
Playing on (*at);
Offence at (*against )
Need of (*for )
Liable to (*for)
Hopefull of (*for )
Disgusted with (*at)
Conform to (*about )
Compliant against (*about)
influence over/with (*on)
[17:41, 9/16/2015] R.K.⚡: Need जब हम need को as a modal use करते है तो ये उस चीज को show करता है कि जिस आदमी के लिए जो काम बना है यदि उसी आदमी की वो काम करने की जरूरत है तो - He need do that work .और यदि वो काम किसी दूसरे को करना पङे तो - need as a main verb use होगा । जैसे कि यदि बच्चा 4-5 साल का हो गया है तो उसे school जाने की जरूरत है - He need go to school . जबकि parents को किसी काम से school जाने की जरूरत ...है तो - They need go to school . अब तक हम ये सीख चुके हैं कि : 1. जरूरतshow करने के लिए - need . 2. हिम्मत show करने के लिए - dare . 3.Power show करने के लिए -
[17:41, 9/16/2015] R.K.⚡: can . 4.Permission show करने के लिए - can ,may ,could 5. Suggestion या advice देने के लिए - should ,must या ought to . 6. Possibility के लिए -may ,might या will . 7 . Wish ,desire या determination k लिए would . 8. Past की आदत show करने के लिए used to या would करना बाकी है । 9. Future की ओर इशारा करने के लिए - shall / will करना बाकी है
Q. 1. How old is C? Ans. C would b about twenty . वह करीब बीस साल की होगी ।... Q. 2 How old is he ? Ans. He would b in his thirties. उसकी उम्र तीस वर्ष के लगभग होगी । Q.3 How old r they ? Ans. They would b in their fifties . वे लगभग पचास साल के होंगे । 4. Who is C ? वह कौन है ? C would b Suman 's mother . वह सुमन की माँ होगी । ऐसे वाक्यों से वर्तमान काल के कार्य के सम्बन्ध में सम्भावना और अनुमान दोनों भाव व्यक्त होते हैं । इनको निम्न तरीके से बनाए जाते हैं । Subject ( कर्ता ) + Verb ( would be ) - क्रिया ( होगा / होगी / होंगे ) + Other words (noun / adjective ) .इस नियम का प्रयोग किसी व्यक्ति / वस्तु के सम्बन्ध में अनुमान लगाने के लिए किया जाता हैं । जैसा कि हमने ऊपर उदाहरण में किया है ।
हमारी परम्परा रही है कि चलते वक्त हम आ शीर्वाद देते हैं । तो अब modals की भी विदाई है तो इन
[19:46, 9/16/2015] R.K.⚡: Phonetics / Pronunciation / Reading Skills...
... / अ् / यह sound English word में Hindi k / अ / से थोङी सी अलग है ।
Look :-
Spelling अ् in words
a " again ,allow
woman ,animal ,
drama ,China
ar " particular ,beggar ,
E............." governmEnt , gentelmEnt ,
ProblEm ,referEnce
i ..........अ् ....possible ,terrible
ia........" musician ,magician ,partial
O......" cOnsume ,Obtain ,prolong
[17:03, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡:
So /Therefore /Consequently /That's why:- ये सभी conjunctions हैं और इनका अर्थ भी almost same ही होता है । ये result बताते हैं ।ये कहते हैं कि वो काम होने का नतीजा /परिणाम ये है । Look :-He didn't study at all throughout the year ,CONSEQUENTLY he failed .सारा साल उसने किताबे उठाकर भी नही देखी,इसलिए वो fail हो गया । He has struggled a lot in his life .THAT'S WHY,he is at this stage now .उसने अपनी life में बहुत struggle किया है इसी का नतीजा है कि आज वो इस position पर है । वो fee concession की application तो कभी न कभी आ पने लि खी ही होगी जि समें हमे therefore का use जरुर कर ना पङता है ।उस application ki last lines कुछ इस प्रकार से होती है कि :V r seven brothers and sisters .My daddy is very poor . THEREFORE he can't pay our fee . So and Therefore ka अर्थ बिल्कुल same है दोनों का अर्थ 'इसलिए 'ही होता है ।बस थोङा सा अंतर ये होता है कि so को हम speaking में या casually ज्यादा use करते हैं जबकि therefore written /formal language में जयादा चलता है ।माँ का फैसला -So Judge का फैसला -Therefore . माँ बेटे को कहती है "न तो आ पने काम किया है न ही आ प मेरी बात मानते हैं"इसलिए "आ ज मै तु झे खेलने नही जाने दूंगी " "Neither U have completed your work nor U obey me So I will not let u go t
[17:03, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡: Neither U have completed your work nor U obey me So I will not let u go to play today ". तमाम सबू तो और ग्वा हो को मद्देनजर रखते हुए ये अदालत इस नतीजे पर प हुंची है कि ..........अपरा धी है इसलिए इसे मौत की सजा सुनाई जाती है ।On the (द)bases of (अव)all the (दी) evidences and the wit...nesses the jury has unanimously come to the decision that .............is guilty THEREFORE he is to be hanged till death . तो इस प्रकार से आपने न पढने का result देखा ,संघर्ष का परिणाम देखा ,पापा की अनपढ़ता और गरीबी का result देखा ,और फिर माँ का और देश का law तोङने का result देखा ,और इस प्रकार से हमने So ,therefore ,consequently और that's why को समझा ।
[17:03, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡: :Not only .......but also :-न केवल .......परन्तु भी Same Actor ke लिये .Look :-Gaytri is writing a letter . Gaytri is watching T.V. Gaytri is not only writing a letter but also watching TV .गायत्री न केवल पत्र लिख रही है बल्कि TV भी देख रही है । Vinita will purchage a book . Vinita will purchage a pencil . Vinita will not only purchase a book but also a pencil .विनीता न केवल book बल्कि pencil भी खरीदेगी ।... एक बात यहाँ ध्यान रखे :- जब एक का स्थान यानि not only , Verb k पहले हो ,तो दुसरे (but olso ) का भी Verb ही k पहले ही होना चाहिए । ठीक है ।चलो और example लेते हैं ।Ramavtar eats an apple .Ramavtar drinks milk. राम अवतार न केवल सेब खाता है बल्कि milk भी पीता है ।Ramavtar not only eats an apple but also drinks milk . The study of good books NOT ONLY enhances our knowledge BUT ALSO changes our life style .अच्छी books पढने से 'न केवल 'हमारा knowledge बढ़ता है 'परन्तु 'हमारे जीने का तरी का भी बदल जाता है । Helping others 'NOT ONLY' gives them relief and pleasure 'BUT ALSO ' gives the doer a piece of mind दूसरों की help करने से न केवल उन्हें ख़ुशी मिलती है परन्तु Doer(Helper) को भी मानसिक शांति मि लती है । During the time of famine ,the contemporary PM L B Shashtri appealed NOT ONLY the public to keep fast BUT he himself was ALSO on fast .जब देश में अकाल पङा तो उस समय के PM .....ने न के वल देश की जनता को व्र
[19:30, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡: Daily Vocab With Examples!
1. Recalcitrant (हठी)– Someone Who Is Unwilling To Obey Orders Or Are Difficult To Deal With
Ex – The Danger Is That Recalcitrant Local Authorities Will Reject Their Responsibilities.
Syno -- Fractious, Refractory
2. Wane (क्षीण होना)– To Become Gradually Weaker
Ex – While His Interest In These Sports Began To Wane, A Passion For Rugby Developed.
Syno – Decrease, Diminish, Decline
3. Tepid (उत्साहहीन)– Something Which Lacks Enthusiasm
Ex – The Applause Was Tepid.
Syno – Apathetic, Half Hearted, Lukewarm
4. Benign (दयालु)– Kind, Gentle, Harmless
Ex – They Are Normally A More Benign Audience.
Syno – Warm, Congenial, Amiable
5. Incendiary (गृहदाही)– Large Fire Attacks
Ex – Five Incendiary Devices Were Found In Her House.
Syno – Combustible, Flammable, Explosive
6. Sage (बुद्धिमान)– Wise Person
Ex – Kalam Was Famous For His Sage Advice To Young Students.
7. Accrue (इकट्ठा करना) – Gradual Increase In
Amount Of Money Or Interest Over A Period Of Time
Ex – If You Don’t Pay Within 28 Days, Interest Will Accrue.
Syno – Accumulate, Collect, Gather
8. Stewardship (प्रबंधन )– Responsibility
Ex-A Person Put In Charge Of The Affairs Of A Large Household Or Estate, Whose Duties Include Supervision Of The Kitchen And The Servants, Management Of Household Accounts, Etc.
Syno – Administration, Care, Control, Governance
9. Encompass (घेरना)– To Completely Surround Or Cover
Ex – The Map Shows The Rest Of The Western Region, Encompassing 9 States.
Syno – Enclose, Ring, Encircle
10. Thy (तुम्हारा)– Your (Old Fashioned)
Ex – Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother
[19:30, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡: .
important words with their synonyms and antonyms for IBPS PO Exam
1. Abnegation – the action of renouncing something
Synonyms: renunciation, rejection
Antonyms: allowance, indulgence
2. Abeyance – being inactive or suspended
Synonyms: intermission, suspension
Antonyms: revival, activity
3. Aegis – protection
Synonyms: patronage, backing
Antonyms: opposition, powerlessness
4. Acrimony – nasty behavior or speech
Synonyms: animosity, belligerence
Antonyms: kindness, goodwill
5. Bashful – reluctant to draw attention to oneself
Synonyms: coy, timid
Antonyms: aggressive, bold
6. Bellicose – demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
Synonyms: combative, antagonistic
Antonyms: calm, easygoing
7. Brevity – shortness or briefness
Synonyms: conciseness, crispness
Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity
8. Cathartic – providing psychological relief
Synonyms: freeing, delivering
Antonyms: holding, maintenance
9. Chagrin – annoyance or distress
Synonyms: irritation, vexation
Antonyms: comfort, satisfaction
10. Decrepitude – the state of being sick or weak
Synonyms: decay, infirmity
Antonyms: improvement, growth
11. Defunct – extinct or non-functioning
Synonyms: vanished, obsolete
Antonyms: live, operating
12. Decadence – deterioration (of morality)
Synonyms: corruption, debasement
Antonyms: development, improvement
13. Ensemble – A group of complementary parts
Synonyms: altogether, en masse
Antonyms: partly, incompletely
14. Ennui – boredom
Synonyms: weariness, listlessness
Antonyms: energy, enthusiasm
15. Emancipation – freedom or independence
Synonyms: deliverance, release
Antonyms: imprisonment, restraint
16. Foreboding – a feeling that something bad will happen
Synonyms: apprehension, dread
Antonyms: luck, good omen
17. Faux Pas – a social error
Synonyms: blooper, blunder
Antonyms: correction, perfection
18. Foment – instigate or provoke
Synonyms: abet, arouse
Antonyms: deter, discourage
19. Gregarious – fond of company; sociable
Synonyms: affable, convivial
Antonyms: unfriendly, unsociable
20. Gratuitous – done without good reason
Synonyms: spontaneous, uncalled for
Antonyms: reasonable, warranted
21. Hallowed – holy or reserved
Synonyms: sacred, blessed
Antonyms: irreligious, profane
22. Hedonist – a person who seeks pleasure above other values
Synonyms: debauchee, epicurean
Antonyms: puritan, ascetic
23. Impertinent – bold and disrespectful
Synonyms: arrogant, brash
Antonyms: polite, nice
24. Inscrutable – impossible to understand or interpret
Synonyms: impenetrable, unfathomable
Antonyms: clear, comprehensible
25. Impugn – dispute the truth
Synonyms: assail, contravene
Antonyms: corroborate, assist
26. Livid – very angry
Synonyms: furious, raging
Antonyms: cheerful, happy
27. Licentious – immoral or uncontrolled
Synonyms: lustful, carnal
Antonyms: chaste, controlled
28. Machiavellian – using tricks to achieve something
Synonyms: cunning, deceitful
Antonyms: naïve, gullible
29. Muster – collect or assemble
Synonyms: marshal, mobilize
Antonyms: divide, separate
30. Nostalgic – remember longingly
Synonyms: sentimental, wistful
Antonyms: cheerful, joyful
31. Nomadic – living the life of a nomad; wandering
Synonyms: pastoral, peripatetic
Antonyms: native, settled
32. Obnoxious – extremely unpleasant
Synonyms: abhorrent, annoying
Antonyms: agreeable, pleasant
33. Obeisance – offering salutation
Synonyms: allegiance, deference
Antonyms: disdain, disregard
34. Paucity – the shortage of something
Synonyms: dearth, insufficiency
Antonyms: abundance, plenty
35. Pariah – a social outcast
Synonyms: leper, outsider
Antonyms: friend, citizen
36. Punctilious – showing great attention to detail
Synonyms: meticulous, diligent
Antonyms: careless, easy-going
37. Pejorative – expressing contempt or disapproval
Synonyms: debasing, derogatory
Antonyms: complimentary, praising
38. Quixotic – unrealistic and impractical
Synonyms: utopian, perfectionist
Antonyms: pragmatic, practical
39. Restive – unable to remain still or patient
Synonyms: agitated, restless
Antonyms: relaxed, calm
40. Rotund – large and plump
Synonyms: fleshy, elephantine
Antonyms: frail, skinny
41. Ramshackle – falling apart; in poor condition
Synonyms: broken-down, crumbling
Antonyms: sturdy, repaired
42. Superfluous – unnecessary; more than enough
Synonyms: excessive, expendable
Antonyms: necessary, needed
43. Specious – misleading in appearance
Synonyms: deceptive, spurious
Antonyms: accurate, genuine
44. Stolidity – not easily stirred or moved
Synonyms: aloofness, stoicism
Antonyms: caring, concerned
45. Sanguine – optimistic or positive
Synonyms: buoyant, cheerful
Antonyms: depressed, gloomy
46. Tirade – a long speech of criticism
Synonyms: denunciation, diatribe
Antonyms: compliment, praise
47. Vicissitude – a change of circumstance or fortune
Synonyms: fluctuation, flip-flop
Antonyms: similarity, uniformity
48. Wrangle – a dispute or argument
Synonyms: altercation, bickering
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
49. Zealot – a person who has strong feelings about something and who wants the other to have the same feeling
Synonyms: diehard, fanatic
Antonyms: conservative, moderate
50. Zenith – the time at which something is most successful; at the peak
Synonyms: eminence, peak
Antonyms: nadir, bottom
[19:30, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡: Vocab from The Hindu-
*Mendacious- false
*Surge- rise rapidly
*Reciprocity-mutual exchange
*Appetite-intense desire
*Plausible- believable
*Ostensibly- apparently
[22:59, 9/18/2015] R.K.⚡: Some important rules for sportting error
Rule 1: Scarcely/Hardly is always followed by when/before eg,
Scarcely he gone out of the office then he came (incorrect)❌
Scarcely he gone out of the office when he came✅
Rule 2: Lest is always followed by should
Not is used with it eg,
Be careful lest u will fall❌
Be careful lest u should fall✅
Rule 3: Although/though must always be followed by yet or comma(,) eg,
Although he worked hard but he failed❌
Although he worked hard yet he failed✅
Rule 4: Both is followed by and and not else,but or as well eg,
Both sonu as well as padma have done their work❌
Both sonu and padma have done their work✅
Rule 5:Rather and other are always followed by than eg,
I have no other choice but to do it❌
I have no other choice than to do it✅
Rule 6: Neither....nor & either....or are used in pairs. These r followed by same part of speech.eg,
He has niether invited him not her❌
He has niether invited him nor her✅
Either the step taken was right or wrong❌
The step taken was either right or wrong✅
Rule7:Not is always followed by but also.These always join the same parts of speech.eg,
He is not only going to open a hospital but also an inn❌
He is going to open not only a hospital but also inn✅
Rule8:Whether is always followed by or eg,
We don't care that you pass or fail❌
We don't care whether you pass or fail✅
Rule 9:The same as followed by relative pronoun that or as eg,
He is the same boy who broke the glass❌
He is the same boy that broke the glass✅
Rule10:Because, since,as,as soon as are not followed by therefore,thus,..eg,
As he came late,therefore he was punished❌
As he came late,he was punished✅
[21:56, 9/19/2015] R.K.⚡: TO CLEAR ALL COMPITITIVE EXAMS
...Pronunciation ....
Past Tense Marker : - d or -ed
1. पहले हमने किया था कि क्रिया में बहुत बार भूतकाल बनाने k लिए ed लगता है यदि इन verbs में p ,k ,s,sh ,x ,ch ,f के बाद ed आए तो ed का उच्चारण t ( ट ) होता हैं । d or ed when added to the words (verbs ) ending in a voiceless sound with the exception of /t/ is pronounced as /t / यानि ट look :- hoped होप्ट ,matched मैच्ट missed मिस्ट mixed मिक्स्टwashed वाश्ट
2. d or ed when added to the words (verbs )ending /t / or /d / is pronounced as /id / . Or It is pronounced इड after / t ,d /. Look :- wanted वोन्टिड headed हेडिड raided रैडिड defended डिफनडिड
3. d or ed when added to the words ending in a voiced sound with the exception of / d / is pronounced as ड .Voiced sounds mean all vowels n voiced consonants . Look :- clubbed क्लबड lived लिव्ड chased चे जड
पहला नियम याद रखे'ट ' कहाँ बोले दूसरा t or d के बाद 'इड ' बाकी सब में 'ड ' याद रखे ।
Posted by :
Pronunciation of the past tense marker - d or -ed is complete today . V will meet next time with a new pronunciation . Till then ..........!
[22:00, 9/19/2015] R.K.⚡: TO CLEAR ALL COMPITITIVE EXAMS
Learn English : Active and Passive
इस विषय को शुरू करने से पहले हमे कुछ बातों पर ध्यान देना हैं ।
1. Active मतलब हमे ये दिखाना है कि कोई चीज काम कर रही है ।
2. Passive मतलब कोई चीज action को receive कर रही है ।
3. SL Satbante ये बताता है कि - Passive बना देने से न तो भाव बदलता है और न ही time . काम करने वाला subject ही रहेगा ,चाहे उसे आगे लगाओ चाहे पीछे ।Posted by :
4. आज k बाद active से passive बनाते वक्त कभी ये मत कहना कि object को subject में बदलो और subject को object में बदलो । यह बात जरुर ध्यान में रखना कि object तो subject में नही बदलता ,परन्तु यदि वो pronoun हो तो उसके cases जरुर बदल जाते हैं ।
5. Active से Passive बनाने का एक ही नियम है और वो है - Be + Acted . सारे इसी में आजाते हैं ।उपरोक्त बाते आपको समझ आ गई तो जीवन में कभी Active - Passive की problems नही आ एगी । ये SL Satbante का Promise रहा ।
[07:51, 9/20/2015] R.K.⚡: RRB Assistant: शब्दावली ज्ञान
प्रिय पाठक,
इस पोस्ट में अंग्रेजी के शब्द व उनको याद रखने की
ट्रिक दी जार रही है जो हमें बैंकर्स अड्डा के एक
बहुत ही होनहार छात्र ने हमारे साथ साझा की हैं|
सभी अध्ययन करें|
1.bruise-चोट लगना
ट्रिक: ब्रुसिली को चोट लगी इसलिए उनका निधन
हो गया
2.flaccid- कमजोर
ट्रिक: Acid girne se uska sharer kamjor hota gaya
ट्रिक: रावण खाने के बाद भी भूखा ही रहता था
4.pictorial-सजीव, वास्तविक
ट्रिक: पिक्चर रियल लग रही थी जेसे ओरिजिनल हो
ट्रिक: सयाने लोग बहुत समझदार होते है
ट्रिक: गंगा नदी बहुत विशाल ह
7.ruck-आम आदमी/
ट्रिक: रोक दिया जाता है हर जगह आम आदमी को
8.lucrative-लाभ (प्रॉफिटेबल)
ट्रिक: लूकिंग में जो क्रिएटिव हो वो प्रोडक्ट
बिज़नस में प्रॉफिटेबल होता ह
ट्रिक: निम्बू का रस पीने वाले लोग फुर्तीले हो
जाते है
10.CAPRICIOUS –सनकी/मनमोजी
ट्रिक: कैपरी पहनके सिटी में घुमने वाले सनकी/
मनमोजी होते हैं|
धन्यवाद "देट्स माय वे"
[08:37, 9/20/2015] R.K.⚡: However :-किन्तु However और but का meaning लगभग same है। But 'परन्तु 'होता है ।However 'किन्तु 'होता है । महाभारत युद्ध में अर्जुन ने श्री कृष्ण को कहा कि "कौरव तो मेरे भा ई हैं ।मै इन्हें कै से मार सकता हूँ ?" तब श्री कृष्ण जी ने कहा था "किन्तु परन्तु मत करो ,अपने धर्म का पा लन करो ।"... "No however, no but ,just cut .Because service before the self is must ."शुरुआत में तो अर्जुन मानने को तैयार नही थे किन्तु बाद में सहमत हो गए । At first ,Arjun was not ready ,however he agreed finally . However k बाद जब Hard लग जाता है तो ये conjunction नही रहता ,ये adverb बन जाता है ।Look :-However hard U may try ,he won't cry .आप कितनी भी कोशिश कर लें ,वो नही रोएगा ।
[08:37, 9/20/2015] R.K.⚡: 8. Pronunciation
1 अंग्रेजी भा षा में 44 ध्वनियाँ ( sounds ) हैं । 2. इनमें 20 vowels 24 consonants ध्वनियां हैं ।3. 5 sound अंग्रेजी की ,Hindi से बिल्कुल भिन्न हैं । 4. 12 थोङी सी Hindi से भिन्न हैं । 27 sound English = 27 sound Hindi उपरोक्त अंतर k कारण English words का उच्चारण हिंदी में लिखना ( सभी शब्दों का ) सम्भव नही हो सकेगा । परन्तु कोशिश करूंगा सभी शब्दों का उच्चारण सही बताया जाये ।Now more about tomorrow 's post यानि " s "का उच्चारण शब्द के अंत में - स और ज । देखो निम्न शब्दों में - "s" का " ज " उच्चारण boys goes man's Girls stands men's Airlines shines boy's Bags loves boys' Leaves wears officer 's Buds sings officers' Employee's employees' Now look below : s का 'स'
[09:40, 9/20/2015] R.K.⚡: Articles
Articles are of TWO types. They are
Indefinite article ---- A / An
Definite article ---- The
What's the difference?
If you want to say about ANY item, you should use the articles A / An. If you want to say about a SPECIFIC item, you should use the article THE.
Confused? Lets see an example. Assume that you've selected for a Bank Exam. You have a stupid friend like me. So obviously She will ask you a party.
Suppose if She says
Lets go to a Restaurant, that means She doesn't have any specific restaurant in Her mind. So you can give her party in ANY cheap restaurant. But,
If she says Lets go to THE restaurant, that means She has some SPECIFICATIONS. I mean she have a specific restaurant in her mind. So you cant escape ;)
Well, this is the basic difference between A/An and The. There are so many differences and usages of these articles. We shall discuss them later.
Ok, lets discuss about the Indefinite articles first.
Indefinite Articles :
A : The indefinite article 'a' is used before singular countable nouns that start with a Consonant sound.
An : The indefinite article 'an" is used before singular countable nouns that start with a Vowel sound.
Wow, Nice definitions. No?
Have a look at some examples,
A :
A Bat
A Cat
A Rat
A Jug
An :
An Apple
An Egg
AN Ink-Bottle
An Orange
An Umbrella
Now tell me, what should I use before the words European, One-Eyed Beggar, University, Useful Website?
Can I say, Guide4BankExams is an Useful site to know about Banking Exams?
why ?
Please Re-Read the definitions. Here we are talking about Vowel and Consonant SOUNDS. Not the Letters. People often confuse with this. They blindly put A before a word, if it starts with a Vowel letter (A, E, I, O, U) and put An before the word which starts with the consonant letter.
Consider the SOUND, not the LETTER.
Confusing? Lets see a short cut for this.
If a word starts with a SWAR (Any of the Indian Language) sound, then we should use An before it.
If a word starts with a Vyanjan (An of the Indian Language) sound, then we should use A before it.
Have a look at this picture,
so, now see these examples,
A :
A European
A One-Eyed beggar
A University
A Useful Website
An hour
An Honest Man
An honourable person
Thats it.
Now lets see some more TRICKY examples in English.
Suppose , if you want to say about the Member of Parliament, you can say a Member of Parliament, But if you use shorter form as M.P, Then you should say, He is an M.P
Lets see another example, He is an NRI but He is a Non Resident Indian
Thats all for now friends, tomorrow we shall discuss about the article THE.
[20:08, 9/20/2015] R.K.⚡: Pronunciation : es......... Go k साथ es लगायें तो ये " गऊज " बोला जाता है,न कि " गऊस " और watch k साथ es... लगायें तो इसे " व्ऑचिज " न कि " व्ऑचिज " । ऐसा क्यों होता है ? दुनिया की कोई भी भाषा हो उसमें दो प्रकार की sounds होती हैं :- voiced and voiceless . ये ( p ,t ,k ,ch ,th ,f ,s ,sh ,h ) nine sounds voiceless होती हैं बाकि सभी consonants और सभी vowels ' voiced ' होते हैं । चलो अब देखते हैं " s ,ss ,sh ,x ,o ,ch ,z के साथ " es " क्यों लगता है । इसका कारण ये होता है कि ,s ,ss,sh और x में तो पहले से ही ' स' या ' श ' की sound आ रही है । यदि हम एक और ' s' लगा दें तो sound ' सस' हो जाएगी ।इसलिए हमे ' es' लगाना पङता है ताकि हमारी sound ' ज' आ सके । देखो :- Bus + es = Buses बसि ज Box + es = boxes ज ।अब आते हैं ' o ' पर । ये हर बार जरूरी नही होता कि word k आ खिर में ' o ' हो तो es ही लगेगा ।यदि वो verb हैं तो es लगेगा ( go - goes ) जबकि वो noun है तो दोनों ही आ सकते हैं ।
[20:08, 9/20/2015] R.K.⚡: ।यहाँ depend करता है कि वो किस भाषा से English language में आ या है । देखो :- photo का plural photos होता है - photoes नहीं । Zero का plural zeros होता है - zeroes नही , motto - mottos ,dynamo - dyamos ,solo - solos ,kilo - kilos ,commando -commandos etc. दूसरी ओर mango ,potato ,tomato ,hero ,Negro ,Buffalo etc .ऐसे words हैं जिनके साथ es आ ता है । रही बात " ch " और " z" की ,तो जिस भी word की ending ' च या ज ' sound से होती है वहाँ ' es ' ही आ ता है ताकि उसे ' ज ' बोला जा सके ।जैसे :- match - matches ज ,catch - catches ज ,topaz - topazes ज , rose - roses ज ,realize - realizes ज
[07:50, 9/21/2015] R.K.⚡: Daily Vocab!
[07:50, 9/21/2015] R.K.⚡: today's vocab list...........
16th september
reconciliation - settlement
laudable – creditable, praiseworthy
devolution - decentralization
chunk - large piece
fillip - boost
thrash out- hammer out,
chauvinism - prejudice, bigotry
coterie - a small group of people with shared interests
or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.
"a coterie of friends and advisers"
fetters - chains
testimony- indication
potent- powerful
remiss- careless, negligent
racquet- commotion, uproar, noise
wielding- exerting, exercise
[07:50, 9/21/2015] R.K.⚡: Daily Vocab With Examples!
1. Recalcitrant (हठी)– Someone Who Is Unwilling To Obey Orders Or Are Difficult To Deal With
Ex – The Danger Is That Recalcitrant Local Authorities Will Reject Their Responsibilities.
Syno -- Fractious, Refractory
2. Wane (क्षीण होना)– To Become Gradually Weaker
Ex – While His Interest In These Sports Began To Wane, A Passion For Rugby Developed.
Syno – Decrease, Diminish, Decline
3. Tepid (उत्साहहीन)– Something Which Lacks Enthusiasm
Ex – The Applause Was Tepid.
Syno – Apathetic, Half Hearted, Lukewarm
4. Benign (दयालु)– Kind, Gentle, Harmless
Ex – They Are Normally A More Benign Audience.
Syno – Warm, Congenial, Amiable
5. Incendiary (गृहदाही)– Large Fire Attacks
Ex – Five Incendiary Devices Were Found In Her House.
Syno – Combustible, Flammable, Explosive
6. Sage (बुद्धिमान)– Wise Person
Ex – Kalam Was Famous For His Sage Advice To Young Students.
7. Accrue (इकट्ठा करना) – Gradual Increase In
Amount Of Money Or Interest Over A Period Of Time
Ex – If You Don’t Pay Within 28 Days, Interest Will Accrue.
Syno – Accumulate, Collect, Gather
8. Stewardship (प्रबंधन )– Responsibility
Ex-A Person Put In Charge Of The Affairs Of A Large Household Or Estate, Whose Duties Include Supervision Of The Kitchen And The Servants, Management Of Household Accounts, Etc.
Syno – Administration, Care, Control, Governance
9. Encompass (घेरना)– To Completely Surround Or Cover
Ex – The Map Shows The Rest Of The Western Region, Encompassing 9 States.
Syno – Enclose, Ring, Encircle
10. Thy (तुम्हारा)– Your (Old Fashioned)
Ex – Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother
[07:50, 9/21/2015] R.K.⚡: .
important words with their synonyms and antonyms for IBPS PO Exam
1. Abnegation – the action of renouncing something
Synonyms: renunciation, rejection
Antonyms: allowance, indulgence
2. Abeyance – being inactive or suspended
Synonyms: intermission, suspension
Antonyms: revival, activity
3. Aegis – protection
Synonyms: patronage, backing
Antonyms: opposition, powerlessness
4. Acrimony – nasty behavior or speech
Synonyms: animosity, belligerence
Antonyms: kindness, goodwill
5. Bashful – reluctant to draw attention to oneself
Synonyms: coy, timid
Antonyms: aggressive, bold
6. Bellicose – demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
Synonyms: combative, antagonistic
Antonyms: calm, easygoing
7. Brevity – shortness or briefness
Synonyms: conciseness, crispness
Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity
8. Cathartic – providing psychological relief
Synonyms: freeing, delivering
Antonyms: holding, maintenance
9. Chagrin – annoyance or distress
Synonyms: irritation, vexation
Antonyms: comfort, satisfaction
10. Decrepitude – the state of being sick or weak
Synonyms: decay, infirmity
Antonyms: improvement, growth
11. Defunct – extinct or non-functioning
Synonyms: vanished, obsolete
Antonyms: live, operating
12. Decadence – deterioration (of morality)
Synonyms: corruption, debasement
Antonyms: development, improvement
13. Ensemble – A group of complementary parts
Synonyms: altogether, en masse
Antonyms: partly, incompletely
14. Ennui – boredom
Synonyms: weariness, listlessness
Antonyms: energy, enthusiasm
15. Emancipation – freedom or independence
Synonyms: deliverance, release
Antonyms: imprisonment, restraint
16. Foreboding – a feeling that something bad will happen
Synonyms: apprehension, dread
Antonyms: luck, good omen
17. Faux Pas – a social error
Synonyms: blooper, blunder
Antonyms: correction, perfection
18. Foment – instigate or provoke
Synonyms: abet, arouse
Antonyms: deter, discourage
19. Gregarious – fond of company; sociable
Synonyms: affable, convivial
Antonyms: unfriendly, unsociable
20. Gratuitous – done without good reason
Synonyms: spontaneous, uncalled for
Antonyms: reasonable, warranted
21. Hallowed – holy or reserved
Synonyms: sacred, blessed
Antonyms: irreligious, profane
22. Hedonist – a person who seeks pleasure above other values
Synonyms: debauchee, epicurean
Antonyms: puritan, ascetic
23. Impertinent – bold and disrespectful
Synonyms: arrogant, brash
Antonyms: polite, nice
24. Inscrutable – impossible to understand or interpret
Synonyms: impenetrable, unfathomable
Antonyms: clear, comprehensible
25. Impugn – dispute the truth
Synonyms: assail, contravene
Antonyms: corroborate, assist
26. Livid – very angry
Synonyms: furious, raging
Antonyms: cheerful, happy
27. Licentious – immoral or uncontrolled
Synonyms: lustful, carnal
Antonyms: chaste, controlled
28. Machiavellian – using tricks to achieve something
Synonyms: cunning, deceitful
Antonyms: naïve, gullible
29. Muster – collect or assemble
Synonyms: marshal, mobilize
Antonyms: divide, separate
30. Nostalgic – remember longingly
Synonyms: sentimental, wistful
Antonyms: cheerful, joyful
31. Nomadic – living the life of a nomad; wandering
Synonyms: pastoral, peripatetic
Antonyms: native, settled
32. Obnoxious – extremely unpleasant
Synonyms: abhorrent, annoying
Antonyms: agreeable, pleasant
33. Obeisance – offering salutation
Synonyms: allegiance, deference
Antonyms: disdain, disregard
34. Paucity – the shortage of something
Synonyms: dearth, insufficiency
Antonyms: abundance, plenty
35. Pariah – a social outcast
Synonyms: leper, outsider
Antonyms: friend, citizen
36. Punctilious – showing great attention to detail
Synonyms: meticulous, diligent
Antonyms: careless, easy-going
37. Pejorative – expressing contempt or disapproval
Synonyms: debasing, derogatory
Antonyms: complimentary, praising
38. Quixotic – unrealistic and impractical
Synonyms: utopian, perfectionist
Antonyms: pragmatic, practical
39. Restive – unable to remain still or patient
Synonyms: agitated, restless
Antonyms: relaxed, calm
40. Rotund – large and plump
Synonyms: fleshy, elephantine
Antonyms: frail, skinny
41. Ramshackle – falling apart; in poor condition
Synonyms: broken-down, crumbling
Antonyms: sturdy, repaired
42. Superfluous – unnecessary; more than enough
Synonyms: excessive, expendable
Antonyms: necessary, needed
43. Specious – misleading in appearance
Synonyms: deceptive, spurious
Antonyms: accurate, genuine
44. Stolidity – not easily stirred or moved
Synonyms: aloofness, stoicism
Antonyms: caring, concerned
45. Sanguine – optimistic or positive
Synonyms: buoyant, cheerful
Antonyms: depressed, gloomy
46. Tirade – a long speech of criticism
Synonyms: denunciation, diatribe
Antonyms: compliment, praise
47. Vicissitude – a change of circumstance or fortune
Synonyms: fluctuation, flip-flop
Antonyms: similarity, uniformity
48. Wrangle – a dispute or argument
Synonyms: altercation, bickering
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
49. Zealot – a person who has strong feelings about something and who wants the other to have the same feeling
Synonyms: diehard, fanatic
Antonyms: conservative, moderate
50. Zenith – the time at which something is most successful; at the peak
Synonyms: eminence, peak
Antonyms: nadir, bottom
[20:23, 9/22/2015] R.K.⚡: ..Preposition :- on -के ऊपर ,above से ऊपर ,over -के ऊपर से 1. On हम त ब use करते हैं जब 1चीज दू सरी चीज के ऊ पर touch हो । जै से :-The book is on the table . 2.above तब use होता है जब 1चीज दूसरी चीज से height में ऊ पर हो । जै से :-मान लो दीवार पर घङी लगी हुई है और उसके ऊपर tube-light लगी हुई है तो -There is a tube-light on the wall above the clock .
[20:23, 9/22/2015] R.K.⚡:
On में k अर्थ में :- 1. C will go on Monday morning .वह सोमवार को सुबह में जाएगी । 2. C will go on the morning of June the first .वह पहली जून को सुबह में जाएगी । 3. C is on this committee while her sister is on that board .वह इस कमिटी में है जबकि उसकी बहन बोर्ड में है। 4. Her name is on the list .उसका नाम सूची में है । 5. Her name appears on the electoral roll .उसका नाम वोटर सूची में है 6. C had her lunch on the train. उसने ट्रेन में लंच किया । 7. There is a ring on her finger. उसकी अँगुली में अँगूठी है । 8. For : से C has been ill for a week . C told a lie for fear of punishment . 9. Since : से C has been ill since Monday . It has been raining since morning . Fifteen year have passed ( पास्ट ) since C met me . 10. At : से ,The examination shall commence at 10 a.m. sharp . परीक्षा सुबह में ठीक दस बजे आरम्भ होगी । 11.On : से The examination shall commence on Tuesday next . परीक्षा अगले मंगलवार से आरम्भ होगी। This bottle is full of milk .
[20:23, 9/22/2015] R.K.⚡: on का उल्टा beneath (के नीचे ) Above का उल्टा below(से नीचे ) Over का उल्टा under ( के नीचे से ) 1.Beneath :के नीचे आजकल ब च्चे chewing gum चबाकर class में बङे आ राम से Bench के नीचे चिपका देते हैं । They stick the chewing gum beneath the bench . परन्तु यदि किसी के पास toffee है,तो toffee मुँह में और wrapper bench के नीचे । They throw the wrappers under the bench . ऐसे ब च्चे पढाई में ज्यादा अच्छे नहीं होते । इसलिए उनके marks भी 50% से नीचे ही आ ते हैं । Such students score below 50% . आप अपना हाथ सिर के ऊपर रखिए । हाँ ,रख लिया ? ये हो गया -on your head .अब थोङा सा ऊपर कर लीजिए ,कर लिया ? ये हो गया -over your head .
[15:06, 9/23/2015] R.K.⚡: Upcoming Sports Event
✔2015 Men’s Cricket World Cup – Australia and New Zealand
✔2019 Men’s Cricket World Cup - England and Wales
✔2023 Men’s Cricket World Cup – India
✔2017 Women’s Cricket World – Ireland
✔2017 Men’s ICC Test Championship – England and Wales
✔2021 Men’s ICC Test Championship – India
✔2016 ICC Men’s World Twenty20 – India
✔2020 ICC Men’s World Twenty20 – Australia
✔2016 ICC Women’s World Twenty20 – India
✔2016 Summer Olympics & Paralympics – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
✔2020 Summer Olympics & Paralympics – Tokyo, Japan
✔2018 Winter Olympics & Paralympics – Pyeongchang, South Korea
✔2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games – Los Angeles, USA
✔2014 Summer Youth Olympics – Nanjing, China
✔2018 Summer Youth Olympics - Buenos Aires, Argentina
✔2016 Winter Youth Olympics - Lillehammer, Norway
Asian Games
✔2018 Asian Games – Jakarta, Indonesia
✔2017 Asian Winter Games – Sapporo, Japan
Commonwealth Games
✔2018 Commonwealth Games – Gold Cost, Queensland, Australia
✔2022 Commonwealth Games – Durban, South Africa (Yet to be confirmed)
✔2018 FIFA World Cup – Russia
✔2022 FIFA World Cup – Qatar
✔2015 FIFA U-20 World Cup – New Zealand
✔2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup – South Korea
✔2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup – Chile
✔2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup – India
✔2017 FIFA Confederations Cup – Russia
✔2015 FIFA Women's World Cup – Canada
✔2015 AFC Asian Cup – Australia
✔2019 AFC Asian Cup – UAE
✔2015 Copa America – Chile
✔2019 Copa America – Brazil
✔2023 Copa America - Ecuador
✔2016 Copa America Centenarian (100 years) – USA
✔UEFA Euro 2016 – France
✔UEFA Euro 2020 – Pan Europe
✔2018 Men's Hockey World Cup – Bhubaneswar, India
✔2018 Women's Hockey World Cup – London, England
✔2016 Men's Hockey Champions Trophy – Argentina
✔2018 Men's Hockey Champions Trophy – Netherlands
✔2016 Women's Hockey Champions Trophy – United kingdom
[15:43, 9/23/2015] R.K.⚡: Upcoming Sports Event
✔2015 Men’s Cricket World Cup – Australia and New Zealand
✔2019 Men’s Cricket World Cup - England and Wales
✔2023 Men’s Cricket World Cup – India
✔2017 Women’s Cricket World – Ireland
✔2017 Men’s ICC Test Championship – England and Wales
✔2021 Men’s ICC Test Championship – India
✔2016 ICC Men’s World Twenty20 – India
✔2020 ICC Men’s World Twenty20 – Australia
✔2016 ICC Women’s World Twenty20 – India
✔2016 Summer Olympics & Paralympics – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
✔2020 Summer Olympics & Paralympics – Tokyo, Japan
✔2018 Winter Olympics & Paralympics – Pyeongchang, South Korea
✔2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games – Los Angeles, USA
✔2014 Summer Youth Olympics – Nanjing, China
✔2018 Summer Youth Olympics - Buenos Aires, Argentina
✔2016 Winter Youth Olympics - Lillehammer, Norway
Asian Games
✔2018 Asian Games – Jakarta, Indonesia
✔2017 Asian Winter Games – Sapporo, Japan
Commonwealth Games
✔2018 Commonwealth Games – Gold Cost, Queensland, Australia
✔2022 Commonwealth Games – Durban, South Africa (Yet to be confirmed)
✔2018 FIFA World Cup – Russia
✔2022 FIFA World Cup – Qatar
✔2015 FIFA U-20 World Cup – New Zealand
✔2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup – South Korea
✔2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup – Chile
✔2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup – India
✔2017 FIFA Confederations Cup – Russia
✔2015 FIFA Women's World Cup – Canada
✔2015 AFC Asian Cup – Australia
✔2019 AFC Asian Cup – UAE
✔2015 Copa America – Chile
✔2019 Copa America – Brazil
✔2023 Copa America - Ecuador
✔2016 Copa America Centenarian (100 years) – USA
✔UEFA Euro 2016 – France
✔UEFA Euro 2020 – Pan Europe
✔2018 Men's Hockey World Cup – Bhubaneswar, India
✔2018 Women's Hockey World Cup – London, England
✔2016 Men's Hockey Champions Trophy – Argentina
✔2018 Men's Hockey Champions Trophy – Netherlands
✔2016 Women's Hockey Champions Trophy – United kingdom
[21:48, 9/23/2015] R.K.⚡:
From :-जब एक चीज दूसरी से अलग होती है तो हमेंशा from आता है । Look :-आपने ये पुस्तक market से ली है । U hv bought this book from the market आपने देखा होगा कि जब हम कोई letter लिखते हैं तो From के नीचे हमेशा लिखने वाले का address लिखते हैं ।इसका मतलब है कि ये letter इस आदमी से अलग हुआ है या इस आदमी से आया है । आप school से आ ये हैं । U hv come from school .यानि आप स्कूल से अलग हुए हैं । ये बस भिवा नी से रोहतक जाती है । This bus goes from Bhiwani to Rohtak .यानि भिवानी से अलग हो रही है । वो 9 a. m .से 5 p. m. duty करता है । He works from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. यानि 9बजे से शुरू किया गया है । आपके लिए एक Gift मेरी तरफ से । A gift for u from my side . यानि gift मुझसे अलग हुई है । मा न लो आप दिल्ली जाये और कोई आपसे पूछे "आप कहाँ से हैं? " तो आप क्या कहेंगे - I am from .... ( I am from Sirsa ) यानि आप इस जगह से अलग हुए हैं या गए हैं । कई बार गलती क्या होती है कि आप ये सोचते हैं कि यदि "से" आया है तो from ही आएगा ...।पर आपको हि न्दी पर नही जाना है ।Tense को नही sense को समझना है ।From ये नही कहता कि जहाँ हिन्दी का "से" आएगा
[22:42, 9/23/2015] R.K.⚡: RRB Assistant: शब्दावली ज्ञान (Vocabulary)
1.TURBULENCE-अशांति, उग्रता
तुम एम्बुलेंस ले के निकलते हो तो अशांति फेल जाते है|
2. DISPARAGE -बुराई करना
टीचर डिसअप्पोइंट था इसलिए वो बुराई करता था|
3. PROTAGONIST -नायक, लीडर
प्रोटेस्ट के अगेंस्ट जो हो वो नायक बनता है|
4. LUDICROUS-रिडीकुलस
लुडक के रोड पार करना बड़ा ही हास्यापद होता
5.CONCOCT -योजना बनाना
कौन कॉक्रोच मारने का प्लान बना रहा है|
6.BROACHED-मुद्दा उठाना/बात उठाना
स्मृति ईरानी के नाम हुई गलती का मीडिया ने
मुद्दा उठाया
7.YELLED-चिल्ला कर कहना
"येल्ले तेरी बुक अब मुह मत दिखाना एसा कहा उसने
चिल्ला कर
मूवी में विलन कार्लोउस बहुत कठोर था
10. POIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): दर्द भरा
पाइजन खाने के बाद उसे बहुत दर्द हुआ
11. SEVERANCE (NOUN): डिवीज़न
सीवर ठीक करने के कई डिवीज़न है|
12. COLLUDE (VERB): कांस्पयर
कल वो लोग मिलीभगत करके लड़ लिए
13. MAZY (ADJECTIVE): समझने में मुश्किल
मंझे हुए लोगो को समझा पाना मुश्किल है|
14.RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): संकोजी, चुपचाप
रात को शांत लोग कम बोला करते है|
15. VET (VERB): परिक्षण, टेस्ट
ग्राउंड कितना वेट है अंपायर एनालायिज़ कर रहे हैं|
16.PREROGATIVE (NOUN): अधिकार, प्रिविलेज
प्राओरिटी मिलने वालो के राइट्स ज्यादा होते हैं|
17.Impede -विलंभ या बाधा डालना
इनको पेडे खिला के कम में डिले कर दो
18.Paucity- दुर्लभ
पाव बेचने वालो की हमारे शहर में कमी है|
प्राइवेट होटल में इम्पोर्टेन्ट लोग ज्यादा जाते है|
20. Garrulous (Adj) :-बातूनी
लड़कियां हमेशा चाट पर बाते ही किया करती हैं|
धन्यवाद 'देट्स माय वे'
[22:57, 9/23/2015] R.K.⚡: शब्दावली ज्ञान
प्रिय पाठक,
इस पोस्ट में अंग्रेजी के शब्द व उनको याद रखने की
ट्रिक दी जार रही है जो हमें बैंकर्स अड्डा के एक
बहुत ही होनहार छात्र ने हमारे साथ साझा की हैं|
सभी अध्ययन करें|
1.bruise-चोट लगना
ट्रिक: ब्रुसिली को चोट लगी इसलिए उनका निधन
हो गया
2.flaccid- कमजोर
ट्रिक: Acid girne se uska sharer kamjor hota gaya
ट्रिक: रावण खाने के बाद भी भूखा ही रहता था
4.pictorial-सजीव, वास्तविक
ट्रिक: पिक्चर रियल लग रही थी जेसे ओरिजिनल हो
ट्रिक: सयाने लोग बहुत समझदार होते हैं
ट्रिक: गंगा नदी बहुत विशाल है
7.ruck-आम आदमी/
ट्रिक: रोक दिया जाता है हर जगह आम आदमी को
8.lucrative-लाभ (प्रॉफिटेबल)
ट्रिक: लूकिंग में जो क्रिएटिव हो वो प्रोडक्ट
बिज़नस में प्रॉफिटेबल होता है
ट्रिक: निम्बू का रस पीने वाले लोग फुर्तीले हो
जाते हैं
10.CAPRICIOUS –सनकी/मनमोजी
ट्रिक: कैपरी पहनके सिटी में घुमने वाले सनकी/
मनमोजी होते हैं|
धन्यवाद "देट्स माय वे"
[20:46, 9/24/2015] R.K.⚡: बैंको के Headquarters के नाम याद रखने की Short Trick
A.यदि किसी बैंक के नाममें"Bank of India"आताहै तो उसका मुख्यालय मुंबई होगा
3. Industrial Development BANK OF INDIA ==> MUMBAI
7. Securities and Exchange BOARD OF INDIA ==> MUMBAI
8. Dena Bank - ==> MUMBAI (देनाबैंककोछोड़कर)
B.यदि किसी बैंकके नाममें "UNITED" आताहै तोउसका मुख्यालय KOLKATA होगा.
9. UNITED Bank of India
10. UNITED Commercial Bank
11. Allahbad Bank
C.यदि किसी बैंक के नाममें "PUNJAB MAHILA"आताहै तोउसका मुख्यालय DELHI होगा.
12. PUNJAB National Bank
13. PUNJAB & Sind Bank
14. Bharathiya MAHILA Bank
15. Oriental bank of commerce
D.यदिकिसी बैंकके नाम में "INDIAN" आताहै तोउसका मुख्यालय CHENNAI होगा.
16. INDIAN Overseas Bank
17. INDIAN Bank
E.यदि किसीबैंक केनाम में"VIJAY or CAN"आताहै तोउसका मुख्यालय BENGALURU होगा.
18. VIJAYa Bank
19. CANara Bank
F.व्यक्तिगत बैंक(INDIVIDUAL BANKS)
21) Bank Of Maharashtra ==> PUNE (Maharashtra)
22) Corporation Bank ==> MANGALURU
23) Syndicate Bank ==> MANIPAL
[21:34, 9/24/2015] R.K.⚡: Nouns name people, places, and things. Every noun can further be classified as common or proper. A proper noun has two distinctive features: 1) it will name a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] item, and 2) it will begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence.
Check out the chart below:Common NounProper NounwriterHerman MelvilleteacherMrs. HacketbeagleSnoopycookieOreocityOrlandoOrlandorestaurantTito's Taco PalacedocumentDeclaration of IndependenceschoolUniversity of Southern California
Read the following sentences. Notice the difference between the common and proper nouns.
Tina offered Antonio one of her mother's homemade oatmeal cookies but only an Oreowould satisfy his sweet tooth.
Cookies = common noun; Oreo = proper noun.
Charlie had wanted an easy teacher for his composition class, but he got Mrs. Hacket, whose short temper and unreasonable demands made the semester a torture.
Teacher = common noun; Mrs. Hacket = proper noun.
Gloria wanted to try a new restaurant, so Richard took her to Tito's Taco Palace, where no one dips into the hot sauce until the drinks have arrived at the table.
Restaurant = common noun; Tito's Taco Palace = proper noun
[21:34, 9/24/2015] R.K.⚡: March
1. 8 mar- International women day
2. 9 mar-world kidney day
3. 15 mar-world consumer right day
4. 20 mar- world sparrow day/happiness day
(khushi diwas)
5. 21 mar- World forest day
6. 22 mar- world water day
7. 23 mar- meteorological day
8. 24 mar- World T.B day Note-(because of all
days are WORLD days)
Subject- March ki 8 world famous Ghatnaye
Trick with story- 8 women ki 9 kidney 15
consumers KO 20 sparrow ke through khushi
khushi 21 forest me 22 water boat ke jariye 23
metro stations par 24 T.B ke marizo ko becha
Note- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 days in sequence to bs
story yaad rkhey.
[21:34, 9/24/2015] R.K.⚡: For - Preposition : For :- For का meaning 'के लिए ' होता है परन्तु 'के लिए ' का meaning हर बार for नही होता ।Look :- वो मेरे लिए 1gift लेकर आ या । He brought a gift for me . For जब as a preposition use होता है तो ये mainly purpose/reason को show कर ता है । जब हम कोई formal letter लि कहते हैं ।Look :- DC को /SPको / कि सी department के head को तो वहाँ हमे subject लि खना पङता है कि ये letter लि खने का हमा रा purpose /reason क्या है । PURPOSE :-For water supply problem . For misconduct of police . 1 student को school से निकाल दिया जाता है- REASONS:-For his misbehavior. For his irregularities .एक student को award दि या जाता है- REASONS:-For his excellence in study . For his overall performance . किसी को सजा मिलती है -For his criminal activities. किसी की सजा माफ़ होती है -For his good conduct. हमारा दूध पीने का उददेश्य -Good for health . Junk food न खाने का उद्देश्य -Bad for health . पैसे जमा कर ने का उद्देश्य-For future security . इस प्रकार से आ प देखेंगे कि mostly cases में'For' का use कि सी purpose /reason को show करने के लिए ही होता है ।परन्तु इसके कुछ usages और भी हैं जि न्हें समझना जरूरी ह
[21:34, 9/24/2015] R.K.⚡: ी है ताकि for पर आ पकी सही पकङ बन सके ।
जब हम कोई चीज exchange करते हैं ।चाहे चीज के बदले ,पैसा ,एक चीज के बदले ...दूसरी चीज,एक feeling के बदले दूसरी feeling या किसी काम के बदले thanks,reward, payment ,punishment etc.वहां भी for का ही use होता है ।Look :-I paid ₹400for these books. They exchange their Activa for a bike . He got full marks for his beautiful handwriting . यदि कि सी के साथ कोई दुर्घटना हो जाए तो -Look :- We feel sympathy for them . Tit for tat . Thanks for suggestion . Eye for eye .अदले का बदला We have pity for their condition . यह बात तो आपको पता ही होगी कि period of time के लिए for आता है,इसके अलावा ये भी जरुर समझ लेना कि distance k लिए भी for ही आता है। Look :-वो 2 घंटे से गाङी चला रहा है ।He has been driving for two hours (period of time) वो 2 किलोमीटर से गाङी चला रहा है। He has been driving for two kms.
[21:34, 9/24/2015] R.K.⚡: इस रास्ते में दो kms तक गड्डे ही गड्डे हैं ।This road is full of pits for two kms. For से सम्बन्धि त छोटी छोटी बाते और:- 1 जब हम rate की बात करते हैं।Look:- Tomatoes r sold for ₹20 per kg nowadays .(rate) Buy this Xolo Mobile for₹ 6400.(rate ) 2.जब हमारा अर्थ in favour of होता है। Look :-जब स्कू ल में किसी topic पर debate (बह स) होती हैं तो students को 2भा गो में बाँट लि या जाता है । आधे students -For the motion बोलते हैं । और आधे -Against the motion बोलते हैं। यानि आधे in favour of the topic और आ धे against the topic बोलते है
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