
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: Practice some grammer��������������
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: On
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: I congratulate u ........ your success.

[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: On✅✅✅

........ i in your place  i would keep quiet

[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: Were✅✅

He was charged  ..... murder.

[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: With✅✅

She comes......... a noble family.

Out of
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: Of✅✅✅

I would suggest that the meeting...... post poned

Would be
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: Be✅✅

20 miles is/ a long way/ to walk/no error
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: No error✅✅✅

My brother has/ and is still doing / excellent work/ no error
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: No error✅✅

He is/ too intelligent / to make a mistake/ no error
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: �� English Quiz – One Word substitutions quiz~kf��

1.Irresistible caring for alcoholic drinks.
A. Dipsomania
B. Pyromania
C. Megalomania
D. Kleptomania

2.A specialist who tests eyesight.
A. Ophthalmologist
B. Dermatologist
C. Misogynist
D. Philanthropist
3.General view of a person’s character.
A. Sketch
B. Profile
C. Introduction
D. Appearance

4.One who does not follow the usual rules of social life.
A. Bohemian
B. Artisan
C. Journeyman
D. Physician

5.Phrase that may have two interpretation one of them indelicate or require.
A. Militate
B. Equivocation
C. Ambiguity
D. Double entendre
6.One who uses somebody else’s ideas as if they were his own.
A. Hypocrite
B. Reciprocate
C. Plagiarist
D. Mores

7.A broad road bordered with trees.
A. Avenue
B. Barn
C. Stroll
D. Boutique

8.A Place where Jews Worship.
A. Synagogue
B. Granary
C. Sanatorium
D. Auditorium

9.A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.
A. Iconoclast
B. Recluse
C. Sage
D. Priest.

10.The worship of idols or images.
1. Theism
2. Iconoclasm
3. Atheism
4. Idolatry
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: ����answer keys
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: ⚡⚡Tips to Spot Error in the English Questions-

��Prepositions of Time
1.) At is used:
(a) With a definite point of time
Example: I usually get up at 5 o’clock.
She leaves her house every day at 9 a.m.
(b) With festivals
Example: He will come at Holi.
2.) In is used:
(a) With the parts of the day, (with noon, use
at), months, seasons and years
Example: He takes a walk in the afternoon.
In summer the weather is warm.
(b) With the future tense referring to the
period in which action may take place
Example: you must be careful in future.
3.) On is used with days and dates
Example: My brother will arrive on Monday.
My birthday is on the first of June.
4.) By refers to the latest time at which an action will
be over.
Example: The examination will be over by 5 p.m.
5.) For is used with perfect continuous tense showing
the duration of action.
Example: I have been here for three years.
6.) Since is used with the point of time
When action begins and continues.
Example: He has been ill since last Tuesday.
Since 1980, Shalini has lived in Delhi.
7.) From refers to the starting point of action.
Example: This water came from a spring.
She came from USA.

��Prepositions of position:
1.) At refers to an exact point.
Example: The tourist stayed at the ‘Tourist hotel.
He studied at Oxford.
He is waiting at the door.
2.) In refers to larger areas.
Example: He lives in Bombay.
3.) Between is used for two person or two things.
Example: Share these sweets between him and me.
It is a secret between you and me.
4.) Among is used with more than two persons or
things but before the word which starts with a
consonant letter.
Divide the sweets among the three boys.
5.) Amongst is also used with more than two persons
or things but before the word which starts with a
vowel letter.
Example: Divide the sweets amongst us.
6.) Above is used for higher than.
Example: The sun rose above the horizon.
We were flying above the clouds.
7.) Under is used for vertically below.
Example: It is shady under the trees.
8.) Below is used for lower than.
Example: When the sun sets it goes below the horizon.
Your work is below average.
9.) Over is used for vertically above.
Example: There is an aircraft coming over.
The bathroom is over the kitchen.
10.) Beneath means a lower position.
Example: The ground was slippery beneath her.
[13:32, 7/17/2015] R.K.��������: Vocabulary ����

1. Fierce – Displaying a violent aggressiveness
Ex – Fierce fighting continued throughout the day.
Syno – Ferocious, Savage, Vicious, Grim

2. Hegemony – Leadership or dominance especially by one state
Ex – Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871.
Syno – Leadership, Dominion, Supremacy, Primacy

3. Revolt – An attempt to end the authority of a person or body by rebelling
Ex – A country wide revolt against the Government.
Syno – Rebellion, Insurrection, Mutiny, Riot, Sedition

4. Monstrous – Inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong
Ex – He wasn’t lovable he was monstrous and violent.
Syno – Appalling, Abhorrent, Heinous, Vile

5. Aplomb – Self confidence or assurance (esp. when in a demanding situation)
Ex – Diana passed the test with aplomb.
Syno – Poise, Composure, Sangfroid, Nonchalance
Anto – Agitation, Discomposure

6. Inundate – Covered with water, flood
Ex – The place is inundated by the rising waters.
Syno – Deluge, Overflow, Swamp, Engulf

7. Belligerent – Hostile, Aggressive person
Ex – The mood at the meeting was belligerent.
Syno –Threatening,Antagonistic,Pugnacious,Bellicose, Truculent

8. Apt – Have a tendency to do something
Ex – She was apt to raise her voice.
Syno – Capable, Prone, Ready

9. Monotonous – Boring (Regular,repeated pattern which never changes)
Ex – It’s monotonous work, like most factory jobs.
Syno – Humdrum

10. Nuptial – Marriage (Old fashioned)
Ex – I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.
Syno – Matrimonial, Conjugal

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